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Ninja Mama

Ninja Mama Prepare to Push Loose Leaf Raspberry Leaf Tea 40g

Ninja Mama Prepare to Push Loose Leaf Raspberry Leaf Tea 40g

Regular price $17.99 AUD
Regular price Sale price $17.99 AUD
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LABOUR OF LOVE! Your due date is just around the corner and you may already feel your body preparing for labour! Our 100% organic labour Prep Tea is here for you with red raspberry leaf to prepare your body for labour - AND help with postpartum recovery. R

aspberry leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and E, as well as iron, calcium, and potassium.  We recommend drinking throughout your third and fourth trimesters (from around 32 weeks) - (40 g enough for around 40 servings of tea.) * Prepare to push Mama! 

 Research shows that women who drink raspberry leaf are less likely to receive birth interventions such as a caesarean section, forceps or vacuum and have a shorter pushing stage of labour than those who don't.

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